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VeraBank Information
General Questions
Can I open a new VeraBank account online?
How do I reach Customer Service?
What hours is live chat available?
What is an ITM?
Where can I find my account or loan number?
View all 10
Routing Number
What is the routing number for VeraBank?
Locations & Hours
How can I locate a VeraBank branch or ATM?
What is the phone number for Customer Service?
What is the phone number, address, or hours for the Henderson Downtown location?
Which holidays is VeraBank closed for?
What is the email address for VeraBank Customer Service?
View all 43
Fee Information
What is the fee for entering a Stop Pay online?
Where can I find a list of bank fees?
Can I get a fee waived?
How can I have a fee charged in error removed?
Career Opportunities
Can I view job openings available at VeraBank?
Can I apply for a VeraBank job online?
Debit Cards
Debit Cards
Can I go to a VeraBank branch to get a debit card immediately?
Can I use my VeraBank Debit Card with mobile wallets?
Can I manage my debit card with an app?
How do I report a lost or stolen debit card?
How do I notify VeraBank of my travel?
View all 24
Online Banking & Mobile Apps
General Questions
Can I nickname my accounts in Digital Banking?
How do I know if my system is compatible with Digital Banking?
I'm receiving an error message, what should I do?
One or more of my accounts are not showing in Digital Banking, how do I fix this?
Can I place a stop pay through Digital Banking/Mobile Apps?
View all 18
Alerts & Notifications
What is the frequency of VeraBank account alerts?
Can I have more than one cellphone activated for text banking?
What type of alerts are available?
How to I setup VeraBank alerts and notifications?
How do I edit or remove an alert?
Bill Pay
How do I sign-up for Bill Pay?
What is Bill Pay?
How do I add or remove an account from Bill Pay?
Can I cancel a pending bill payment?
Can I edit a pending bill payment?
View all 20
How do I know when an eStatement is available?
How do I sign-up for eStatements?
I cannot print my eStatements, how do I fix this?
I cannot view my eStatements, how do I fix this?
If I sign-up for eStatements can I still receive paper statements?
View all 9
Mobile Deposit
How do I use Mobile Deposit?
I deposited a check with Mobile Deposit, when will the funds be available?
What are the deposit limits for Mobile Deposit?
Can I increase my Mobile Deposit limit?
I am having trouble making a Mobile Deposit, what should I do?
View all 10
Mobile Apps
Download the VeraBank Android™ App
Download the VeraBank Android™ Tablet App
Download the VeraBank iPad® App
Download the VeraBank iPhone® App
Are the VeraBank phone and tablet apps free?
View all 6
Money Management Financial Tools
How do I get help with Money Management?
What is Money Management?
Can I add external accounts to VeraBank Online Banking?
How do I enroll in Money Management?
How do I unenroll from Money Management?
View all 16
Move Money
Can I send money to and from accounts at other financial institutions?
Can I transfer funds to other VeraBank customers?
What are the limits for External Transfers?
What time will my transfer process?
Why am I getting an error while adding a new transfer recipient?
View all 12
Can I change my Username and/or password?
What is SSL?
What are the minimum requirements for a password?
I forgot my username, how do I recover it?
Why am I being asked for a verification code?
View all 12
Browsers & Operating Systems
What browsers are supported for VeraBank Digital Banking?
What are the minimum system requirements for VeraBank Digital Banking?
Support Services
How can I change my address online?
How can I change my email online?
Can I change my phone number online?
How can I see what email I have on file?
Quicken® & QuickBooks®
Can I export my account transactions?
Which versions of Quicken® are supported?
Which versions of QuickBooks® are supported?
I am having trouble updating Quicken®, what should I do?
I am having trouble updating QuickBooks®, what should I do?
View all 6
Terms & Conditions / Disclosures
VeraBank Privacy Policy
VeraBank Terms of Use
Card Management
Can I activate a new debit card in the app?
What can I do with Card Management?
Can I view my full debit card numbers in Card Management?
How can I tell which debit card was used for a transaction?
What alerts are available through Card Management?
View all 11
Credit Score (SavvyMoney)
What is a Credit Score?
What is VantageScore®?
What is a Credit Report?
How Do I Correct My Credit Report if I Think There’s an Error?
Will VeraBank Use My SavvyMoney Credit Score to Make Loan Decisions?
View all 13
What is Goals?
What kind of Goals can I setup?
I have a joint owner on my account. Will they be able to see my Goals Accounts?
A joint owner on my account passed away and had Goals Accounts set up. How do I transfer those funds?
I have a recurring transfer set up to fund my Goals Account. How can I edit or stop the transfer from happening?
View all 16
Direct Deposit Switch (ClickSWITCH)
What is ClickSWITCH?
When can a switch be initiated?
What items can ClickSWITCH migrate to VeraBank?
How long does the account switching process take?
How does ClickSWITCH work?
View all 18
How long does it take for my card to be swapped on a merchant site?
Why am I receiving an error message when adding a new payment method?
Why do I receive email confirmation that a new payment method is on file for some merchants, but not others?
Why do some merchants require me to enter a security code?
What does a yellow (!) next to a merchant mean?
View all 13
Business & Corporate Online Services
When should I use ACH Passthru instead of ACH Payments or ACH Collections?
The system does not accept some SEC codes. What can I do?
Why do I enter a Process Date instead of an Effective Date?
When might I use an intermediary financial institution?
Why is a new user unable to see any accounts?
View all 8
Receipt Manager
What is a Receipt Email?
What is Receipt Manager?
How do I create a Receipt Email?
How do I add a receipt?
Is there a fee to use Receipt Manager?
View all 14
My Toolkit
What is the 'My Toolkit'?
Who can access the 'My Toolkit'?
What is Autobooks?
Is there an Autobooks FAQ?
How do I manage a 'My Toolkit' subscription?
Deposit Accounts
General Questions
How do I add or remove a beneficiary on my account?
How do I close an account?
Can you help me with a missing transfer that I made to my VeraBank account?
Can I open a new account online?
Checking Accounts
Can I open a VeraBank Checking Account Online?
Can you help me choose the checking account that is right for me?
How can I order checks?
Savings Accounts
Can I open a VeraBank Savings Account Online?
Is there a limit to how many transfers I can make from a savings or money market account?
What is the minimum balance on a savings account?
Money Market Accounts
Can I open a Money Market account online?
Can I view Money Market rates online?
What is the minimum balance on a money market account?
Certificate of Deposit
Can I view CD interest rates online?
What CD's does VeraBank offer?
Can I open a CD online?
General Questions
Can I pay my VeraBank loan with an account at another financial institution?
Can I apply for a VeraBank loan online?
How do I pay my VeraBank loan with another VeraBank account?
I am unable to pay my VeraBank loan online, how do I fix this?
Does VeraBank have a minimum loan amount?
View all 6
Personal Loans
Can I apply for a VeraBank personal loan online?
Can I apply for a Mortgage Loan online?
Can I make a principal only payment on my mortgage loan online?
How can I find a VeraBank mortgage lender?
What is an NMLS number?
Credit Cards
Can I access my VeraBank Business Credit Card online?
Can I access my VeraBank Credit Card online?
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